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Baby is now in her sixth month, takes an active part in life at home, and has become an established part of the family. Can you even imagine a time when she wasn't there? No more night calls? Baby h...
You want to go out - just Mommy and Daddy. That's perfectly normal, but you can't find a family member that is available to care for your children. So you decide to hire a babysitter. Hiring a bab...
As parents-to-be, we tend to prepare for the arrival of our newborn in the usual ways. We decorate the nursery, attend child birthing classes, buy every baby-related accessory known to man, and even...
Diapers: as a rule, most PDF babies will need a diaper change that corresponds with their feeding times. This will total 6-8 diapers per day, or more if you manage to change your baby prior to her po...