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Baby showers are a very special event in any mother's life. It is not just a party where the guests are expected to buy "things" that baby will need when they arrive. It is a special celebration of a...
Introduction: Babyshowers have their origin in ancient time. Like other things, the way and manner in which they are planned and celebrated have changed over time. Here are somethings that you should...
Your baby was safely sheltered in the cozy cocoon of your womb for nine months before being transported into the big bad world. No wonder swaddling her makes her feel 'at home'. What is swaddling? Sw...
A guide to appropriate weight-gain and what to look for if you suspect failure-to-thrive: Weight Gain: Birth – 2 weeks of age Regain birth weight plus some 2 weeks – 3 months of age Two pounds per m...