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Those days right after your baby is born can be grueling. You’re likely in some pain from the delivery, and the baby is keeping you up all night. Here are some tips to help you cope in those first f...
If you're like me, the last thing you'll be thinking about when changing your baby's diaper at 2 AM is, "I need to get this kid a college fund." Parenting is about love, attention, piggy back rides,...
Both babies and parents benefit from baby massage. The Benefits To The Baby: - Massage will help to relax baby and relieve pent up tension and frustration. - Massage has been shown to provide relief...
Q. How often should I nurse a newborn infant? A. No fewer than 8 times per day, depending on how long he gives you at night. If he can go 4 hours, you’ll probably see two feedings in between 11:00 p....