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The crib is where your baby will spend a lot of their time and you want to be sure they are safe. Below are some of the questions (with the answers) that are asked about crib safety. Topics such as m...
I was using my metal detector in the foothills of Tucson, Arizona. As luck would have it, I never find what I am Seeking. As the day started to come to an end. I was walking back to my truck with the...
Baby's first Nike's may be absolutely adorable, but are they necessary? According to most experts - and not just modern ones but for at least the last thirty years - babies don't need shoes till they...
Once your baby is past 6 months old, milk alone is just not enough. Your baby needs solid food. In fact, between the ages of 4 to 6 months, babies should start getting used to eating solid foods. St...